K12 Licensing was born in the early 2000s out of a desire to offer high level trademark licensing guidance and service to America’s K through 12 schools. A successful model for managing licensing for a multitude of brands was already created by The Collegiate Licensing Company (now CLC) for collegiate institutions and served as a footprint for emulating business concerns to create what is now a flourishing high school licensing business, with partners in all 50 states.
K12 Licensing brings the extensive and unique knowledge and services honed by decades of collegiate brand management to 6,000 high schools, state associations, and the NFHS. K12 Licensing has helped its partner schools generate millions of dollars in royalties and valuable exposure through the sale of high school licensed products. Royalties collected by K12 have increased consistently during the last decade and continue to increase even through tough economic times.
K12 is the premier high school licensing company, committed to providing innovative technology, brand management, and brand marketing services to its partners. Today, we work with dozens of national and regional in scope manufacturers and retailers to provide high school supporters with an ever-expanding product offering. We are committed to and invest heavily into our mission of generating support for the critical scholastic and athletic endeavors of America’s high schools.
Our Partners
K12 is proud to represent partners in all 50 states, the majority of the state associations, and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS):